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OCSM - OMOSC Executive

Robert Fraser, President

Ethan Balakrishnan, 1st Vice President

Tamsin Johnston, 2nd Vice President

Matthew Heller, Secretary

Stephen Kreuger, Treasurer


OCSM Honour Roll
Updated August 24, 2018

Persons who have distinguished themselves through their work on behalf of OCSM.

Ruth Budd, President Emerita

Sam Levine

Nicholas Kilburn

Stephen Wilkes, Secretary Emeritus

Evelyne Robitaille, President Emerita

Rob McCosh, President Emeritus

Barbara Zmich, ROPA President Emeritus

Laura Brownell, SSD Supervisor

Francine Schutzman, President Emerita

Jim Biros

Mark Tetreault

Bruce Ridge

Carla Lehmeier-Tatum

Greg Sheldon, Treasurer Emeritus

Eddy Bayens

Linda Patterson

John Trembath

Ellen Versteeg-Lytwyn

Len Lytwyn

Tommy Banks


From OCSM Bylaws

10. Honour Roll

The Corporation will maintain an Honour Roll of persons who have distinguished themselves through their work on behalf of the Corporation, or by other distinctions that have helped further the objects of the Corporation. This Honour Roll shall be kept in the records of the Corporation and published from time to time in printed or electronic communications. Persons will be added to the Honour Roll by a majority vote of the Orchestral Delegates at a meeting of the Corporation on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Former Executive Officers and Delegates who are added to the Honour Roll may be given the title “Emeritus” even though they may no longer qualify as either Class A or Class B Members.